Thursday, February 19, 2009

First Meeting Planned

We are going to have our first meeting at the South Carolina Baptist Convention building on March 2. The three team leaders will sit down and talk about what our ministry approach will be as a team and look at dates for getting things rolling.

If you were to look at the state in three sections, the Upstate, Midlands, and Lowlands or Coast, are covered by the three team leaders. As we meet, we will find out if there is a need for more than that, which would be a good thing.

More Than Gold in Vancouver is expecting a big response so they have bumped the application deadline date from November 1 to June 1 so they will be able to accommodate everyone. That is also a good problem, but also speeds things up quite a bit! We have to talk about dates for a pre-trip to Vancouver as well as start building our teams who have to apply with MTG and then start training for the event. All of this on top of regular church events like mission trips and VBS with less than a year to go!

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