Tuesday, February 10, 2009

We are "Twitter"pated

If you have never seen Walt Disney's "Bambi," then the title makes no sense. In hopes of being able to better update you on what is going on with preparations for the 2010 Vancouver Games, I will be using twitter, yet another amazing technological creation like blogging, to keep you up to date.

You can go to twitter.com to set up your own account and follow me! After you join, go to twitter.com/BryanPittman and click "Follow." This is a great way to send and receive quick updates or "tweets" so you know the latest that is taking place.

On the Olympic front, we will hit the one year mark this week! February 12 will start the countdown and I am sure it will fly by. We will have plenty of leadership and team meetings as well as a pre-trip to Vancouver in late summer. MTG has launched their Web site; www.morethangold.ca and you can what they have planned, what they hope to do and what is coming up next as the Games draw closer.

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