Thursday, February 4, 2010

Down to the wire

Our first team leaves for Vancouver next Wednesday, February 10! The time between when we started visioning for the trip and when we leave has flown by. We'll be housed at a church in Delta, BC with a team that is driving in from Colorado. The 40 of us will share two showers and sleep on air mattresses, lest anyone be concerned we're being spoiled while we're away!

The weather in Upstate SC has prepared us for the upper 40s and rainy days of Vancouver. We have been told to expect to walk a lot and be prepared to be outside for long ours. We will primarily be working at greeting stations that have been setup throughout the city. Our job will be to pass out information and welcome packets along with coffee and water. Our prayer is that we'll have many great opportunities to have meaningful conversations.

The beauty of the Olympics is its ability to bring together a very diverse group of people from around the world. Regardless of the location of the host city, Olympic ministry always takes on an international feeling because the world literally comes to that one place. We look forward to sharing stories with you about the people we meet and where they are from.

Please keep all of the volunteers in your prayers as well as the people we'll meet. Pray for Vancouver and the great work God can do.

Six days...

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