Sunday, February 7, 2010

So close

As I watched the half time show of Super Bowl XLIV (Congrats Who Dat!) the lights and lasers got me thinking about how close we are to the Opening Ceremony for the 2010 Winter Olympics. Less than two years ago, our Beijing team stood in the midst of close to a million people watching in amazement the fulfillment of all the planning and artistry the Chinese poured into their spotlight moment. I began wondering then if any future host country would be able to present a more spectacular Opening Ceremony than that. We'll find out Friday.

I got to thinking about the story we hope to share with people while we're in Vancouver. As Jesus' story plays out in my mind, I often think about how He came into the world. The details leading up to His arrival are incredible, but I find myself lingering on the part where His birth is heralded. The angels and heavenly host, the shepherds, the star, The Baby. And we think we've witnessed some amazing celebrations!

Next I think about the setting that created the mood at Calvary as Jesus died on the cross. The darkness, the earth shaking violently, the tears, the fear, the blood, the tomb. Wouldn't you love to hear some of the people who were there tell their stories in person? To be able to close your eyes and picture the stone rolling away from the tomb. To see the frozen guards and the folded grave clothes. To watch the reaction of the disciples as the risen Jesus appears to them. Now think about what it was like in heaven during that time! And humans think we can create the wow factor with fireworks and lights!

While none of us can give eye-witness accounts of Jesus' birth, death, or resurrection, we can give accounts of what those events mean in our lives. When God rolled the stone away, all mankind was invited to the greatest Opening Ceremony of all time. We were invited to no longer be spectators, but participants in the celebration. It's my prayer that as we watch the fanfare of the Olympics unfold before us on February 12, that we would be reminded of the great privilege we have been given to share the love of Christ and invite others to join the celebration.

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