Saturday, July 28, 2012

Dig A Little Deeper

"So then neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth." (1 Corinthians 3:7 HCSB)

I promise I won't carry the song theme as a blog title on for long, unless it keeps working.

As this is only Block 1, it has been two slow, but very intentional days for Games Pastors. The first day was about the station personnel getting used to our presence. Today was again establishing that presence and just reminding them that we are there to assist them and help people enjoy their experience at the games. In a spiritual sense, the ground is being tilled. Our hope is that the planting will start soon and the watering can begin. Regardless of our timetable, it is all part of the process.

You can pray specifically for walls to come down that would serve as a hindrance. There are perceptions about the church and Christianity that have to be overcome, and our hope is that a smile, a kind word, a hand with luggage, might be what starts that thought to turn.

We have had some good conversations with several of the official volunteers and station staff. Another team had the opportunity to minister to a man who was contemplating suicide and talked through with them what he was going to do. The team was able to step in and help him realize that his life is too valuable.

On the other side of SC team activity, we have people involved in passing out water with the Salvation Army and they are also fortunate to work as official pin traders in the Coke pin zone.

Continue to pray for the team members who will join us here next week for Block 2 for community outreach.

Also, feel free to ask questions through the comment section. If there is something you would like to know, we'll tell you!

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