Monday, July 16, 2012

No Excuses

With the London Olympics just days away now, it is time to brush up on the blog and see if it can be something worth your time to read. As you might expect, since the last post over a year ago (I know, not an Olympic effort at all, but I make no excuses) so much has taken place to get to this point. 

A team has formed and is ready to go through training in London and to work alongside a church that will be holding community festivals as part of its local outreach.  I know the people of London are excited for this huge event to finally arrive after years of planning and preparation. It will be great to share this with them. 

Before that takes place though, I'll be heading over to volunteer as a Games Pastor. I will go through training as part of a team of some 300 Games Pastors who will assist in busier-than-usual transit areas directing people to their destinations, answering questions, and hopefully helping things run smoothly. I am really looking forward to this opportunity. It will be the longest volunteer time I have spent at the Olympics. 

Aside from making it harder to say goodbye, having a four-year-old has been helpful. We have watched a lot of "Peppa Pig," a really cute cartoon out of the UK, that has helped me recognize some of the different terms I'll hear while I'm there. For instance, a shopping cart or buggy here, is a trolley there. I won't be driving a car, so I won't need petrol. When I have trash, I'll put it in the rubbage bin. I decided to go the economical route with my lodging, so I will be indoor camping. As I pick up more terms, I'll share them with you. 

My goal, at this time, is to keep the blog updated as often as time and Wi-Fi allow, from first flight to returning to the US. 

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