Friday, July 27, 2012

Just Keep Walking

"Fast car driving
Sleek and modern
Public Transit
Photos Waiting"

We started our deployment as Games Pastors today. Because we start so early,there is no shuttle from our lodging to the train station. We got up around 5:30 a.m. to get ready and then walked the close to two miles to catch the train. Upon arrival at King's Cross Station, we walked about a half mile to our briefing zone and then walked that half mile back to St. Pancras Station. We walked around the station looking for people who looked to need assistance or a smile. We did get opportunity to fix a bicycle chain. As we continued walking we spoke to the police officers, station workers and Olympic volunteers that we will see daily for the next week. Today was really about establishing a presence in the area and letting people know we will be around if they need anything.
We finished up at 4:00 p.m. and will have the same early start in the morning.

The opening ceremonies are tonight and people are incredibly excited, as you would imagine. Of the thousands of people here, you never know which one we may have the opportunity to impact. So we'll just keep walking to find a chance to do that.

The photo is of St. Pancras Station, which is a magnificent building from the 1800s that was intended to be used for government, but was almost torn down due to the design. A poet laureate (who else?) fought to save it and it serves as a major thoroughfare for public transit thanks to his efforts.

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