Sunday, August 5, 2012

Block 2

Serving as a Games Pastor in Block 1 was a wonderful opportunity. I met and worked with incredible people who have such a passion to minister to the people of London in any circumstances. The conversations we had with volunteers and police officers will hopefully be the building blocks of people becoming Christ followers. Please continue to pray for those who will serve as GPs during Block 2 and the Paralympics.

The team arrived safe and sound on August 3. Upon arrival, they had a day and a half of orientation and training, thus not much blog activity.

I was very proud of the team. Today was basically a day off for them. The plan was for them to be tourists and enjoy the sites. We had not been at the train station long at all when they began talking with people about the Olympics and looking for chances to explain why they are here. It is wonderful to see a desire to make the most of each moment.

We begin our team assignment tomorrow. We will be working in the shadow of Westminster Abbey for the week passing out maps and interacting with the crowds. Please pray for opportunities to share and a willingness to do so.

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