Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Office With A View

We have been at Westminster Abbey for two days with the performing arts teams and we have had two different experiences.

On Monday, we had not been on the Underground long when the train was delayed. The driver announced a problem on the line, then later announced that someone was walking on the track. Obviously, that is not a good thing. Soon after that, we watched a woman working her way down the track between our train window and the wall. If you have been on the subway in the States, you know how narrow that space is. The driver announced we would be stuck for a while because the the electricity had to be cut to prevent electrocuting the trespasser or security personnel. Needless to say, you could see the concern that this caused people on the train. The team didn't miss a beat, however, and began to look for ways to talk to people and ease the stress of the situation. Eventually, security apprehended the woman and the train continued.

After we got through that adventure, we reported to the Abbey and mingled with the crowd while a performing arts team with members from several nations entertained people. While this is what we have done both days, the experience was different.

On Monday, people were not interested in the pins we are using, but they would take a "Mini Mag" which has Olympic facts, a Tube (subway) map, stories from athletes and an explanation of the pin colors.

On Tuesday, people were asking for the pins and the Mini Mags as fast as we could get to them. On both days, we have had various opportunities to talk with people and explain what we are doing.

The team continues to have a minister as you go attitude and has had several chances to talk with people as they have been in stores, on trains or walking down the sidewalk.

Please continue to pray for the team. Pray for strength for each day, boldness to step into the opportunities that are present, and wisdom to follow God's leading.

Working near Westminster Abbey has been great for another reason too. You can't beat the view when you stop to eat lunch.

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