Wednesday, August 8, 2012

What A Day

We continued to have great conversations around Westminster Abbey and people have grown in their interest about what we are doing.

Two of those people were the parents of a US head coach for one of our teams. They were wonderful people and we had a great conversation. Pray that it will be the start of them wanting to know more.

Several MTG teams have shared stories of people beginning personal relationships with Christ! God continues to use this setting to reveal His love to people in amazing ways. What is also fascinating is how He chooses to work it out. Some people plant the seeds, some water, but God gives the increase.

Even though the Games have a secular focus, the atmosphere and unity they create really allow some people to open up about various things.

Another aspect of the MTG focus is social justice. The goal is to raise awareness about human trafficking, which is a major global problem. Part of the passion for the people working on this is that awareness is only one part the goal. It needs to be paired with the freedom that comes through Jesus.

This is a multi front approach because governments have to be informed of the issue, families have to be educated about the dangers of selling their children, and children have to be taught skills so they can work and not feel as if they have no other options but to give in to the lies the traffickers tell them. While that may be hard to fathom, it is happening. Please pray for the social justice teams as they seek to impact the lives of children being sold or abducted into slavery.

Please continue to pray for the people we will meet and the conversations that we will have. As the events wind down, we want to be as diligent as possible!

1 comment:

Tim said...

Prayed for you all to experience boldness and compassion.