Saturday, February 13, 2010

Let's get it started

We enjoyed watching the Olympic flame a couple of times yesterday. We got a break from orientation to watch it come by and then we attended a lighting ceremony in Vancouver where it spent the night. Today it will make its way to Olympic Stadium and light the cauldron during the Opening Ceremony. Vancouver is excited and ready for their moment in the spotlight.

We headed out from Delta this morning and made our way over to Granville Island and had fish and chips for lunch. After that experience we headed over to work in the Granville Station area.

We worked passing out coffee and hot chocolate to passers-by and served over 280 cups. Most people were very appreciative and interested in what we were doing and some were skeptical that anyone would give something for free. One person even commented that we shouldn't be giving away items to people who can afford to come to the Olympics. Some people saw our Salvation Army decals and thought the beverages were only for the homeless. Needless to say, there are plenty of opinions and people are glad to share them.

The team is doing a great job adjusting to the time change and has really been flexible. We are having a lot of fun serving together. We are expecting to interact with a lot of people over the weekend, so please pray for us and the opportunities that will be all around.

I hope you watched the Opening Ceremony. We saw some of it, but were travelling back to the church during the cauldron lighting. Tell us what you thought of it!

We learned late in the afternoon that SC had gotten a great snowfall. We're jealous! There is no snow in Vancouver.


Anonymous said...

Hey Bryan, Marie, and Lee, and crew. We're praying for you. Sounds like you're in for a very diverse experience. Keep writing us with updates. The opening ceremonies were good, John, Fuller, and I watched it all. Canada is a proud country, and Vancouver is a beautiful city. Tell Marie that Linda was doing ok when I talked to her, we are making her rest. Yes, at least 4 inches of perfect snow - and the streets are clear. Hope you'll try some uniquely Canadian food, very good, and as I recall, they have wonderful fruit and produce everywhere.Try poutin (not sure how to spell it). It's a Canadian version of french fries topped with gravy and melting cheese crumbles. Adicting, and you'll miss it when you're back. The cheaper the better - expensive poutin is not as good - don't get the KFC version, not the same. Costco's is really good. Also, try the Jim Horton donuts (I think that's the name I remember)- better than Krispy Creme, if I can say such a thing. Hope to hear from you all again soon.

Larry said...

Hey, Bryan!!! Thanks for the updates, man. It's making me all the more excited to be there. Praying for you and your team as you interact with the people there. Thanks for all you are doing!!!! Give my best to Christy (and all the othes as well)


Joel said...

Hey man. Thanks for the updates. I look forward to reading about the team every day. Praying for you guys!