Saturday, July 28, 2012

By the way...

This has nothing to do with Olympic ministry, but I wanted to pass along that the opening ceremony for the Olympics was truly amazing. I am sorry that NBC did not show it in it's entirety. Being able to watch it whole and with no commercial interruption really allowed the show to gel for the viewer, but apparently the network felt it could do that for you instead. London did a phenomenal job and should be very proud of the show they presented.


Mom said...

Lifting you and the entire team up before THE THRONE OF GRACE daily. I love you.

Anonymous said...

Bryan - NBC cut the program so many times it is annoying.
Of course NBC Ratings were through the roof as they say. Aside from the opening ceremony the soccer games had very few comercials.
I have copt of the Opening Ceremony
from the British point of view for you whewn you get home.FH